CAT 2020 10 Mistakes You Are Doing In MOCKS

To keep yourself motivated, remember your ‘success’ mocks (in which you’ve scored the highest marks) and always aim to score more in the subsequent mocks.

CAT 2020 is right around the corner, let’s share the insights from a CAT 99%iler with you. While you are prepping up with the last mile push giving a mock each day, some super aggressively giving two mocks a day too you need to understand to keep these 10 mistakes in mind that have to be avoided in the Mocks. Give your final mock after reading this article.

1. Avoid Trailing effect: It often happens while approaching new questions in the exams, we end up thinking about the previous questions that we are even slightly doubtful about. Please avoid this at all costs. To do this effectively, take a deep breath before you approach the next question.

2. Not preparing before a mock: Always…

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