Charmis Deep Radiance range

Hey everyone! Charmis is one skincare brand that has been around for ages now, and I personally have been a big fan since a long time too. Same for my Mom and other ladies in the fam. Basically, I do not know of anyone who hasn’t once used Charmis, and not loved the products. When I was a kid, using Charmis was the biggest charm of winters, and I can still reminisce the classic Charmis fragrance as I am writing this, by just thinking about it. Ah, the good ol’ times!

Anyhoo, Charmis as a brand has also added a lot of new products to their portfolio with time. I recently picked up 3 new products and that’s what we are going to talk about today.

- Charmis Deep Radiance Face Wash: I’m sure you know, acne & acne marks often get in the way of great skin. One of the major causes of…