Chennai Mom Learns Coding to Help 20-YO Son With Autism Become Website Designer

Detected with the Autism Spectrum Disorder in his childhood, Prem Sankar from Chennai as developed five websites, and hopes to make a career out of it.


On September 30, Prem Sankar celebrated his 25th birthday by launching his website. He has four others under his belt. It may not sound so cool, as lots of people have websites or have built them at much younger ages. But, the feat is unique for Prem to achieve. He is Autistic.

Children born or detected with the Autistic spectrum often struggle to complete tertiary education and mainly get jobs in handicraft making or secondary jobs.

But despite all odds, Prem has successfully learned the complex coding systems of HTML and CSS to develop interactive websites for his clients.

Prem’s inspiring life journey, going from struggling to learn and battling the perceived norms of society to learning coding languages, has enabled…

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