Do Green Roofs Need Frequent Maintenance?

Do Green Roofs Need Frequent Maintenance?

Since installation of green roofs is growing in popularity, both from an aesthetic and environmental standpoint as well as from a building performance perspective, this paper addresses some disadvantages associated with excellence and maintenance. However, a common question is whether they need regular maintenance. When you know how to care for green roofs, you will be able to maintain them as a sustainable and functional addition to your building. At Enduroflex, we are experts in products that allow you to install, and maintain, a green roof with ease.

The Different Varieties of Green Roofs and Their Care

Green roofs, on the other hand, can be generally divided into two types — extensive and intensive.

  • Semi-Intensive Green Roofs: These roofs have a deeper growing medium, supporting a wider variety of vegetation than extensive roofs can accommodate. They are low-maintenance, requiring inspections no more than twice yearly. Maintenance consists of…
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