Does drinking water actually hydrate your skin?

If you aren’t sure if your skin is dehydrated, you can do a quick test. “Pinch a small portion of your cheek,” Garshick advises. “If the skin doesn’t bounce back quickly or wrinkles easily, it may be dehydrated.”

The myth of dewy skin

Unfortunately, downing extra liters won’t automatically translate to having plump skin. “The main impact that hydration has on skin appearance is improved blood flow to the skin, delivering nutrients and oxygen to it as well as detoxifying the body,” Mraz explains. “It won’t ‘send’ hydration to your skin’s surface for a dewy complexion.”

Both experts recommend focusing on wellness basics like good nutrition, sleep hygiene, and water consumption, as well as on topical applications of skincare products that amp up moisture and seal it in.

An inside job

Mraz says that, when it comes to optimal water consumption for healthy skin, a good rule of thumb is to “aim for half your body weight in ounces of water.” You can load up on…

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