Father’s Heart Health Leads Duo to Make Low-Cost ECG Device the Size of a Keychain

Rahul and Neha, residents of Noida have innovated a keychain-sized ECG device named SanketLife. They are now being supported by the Marico Innovation Foundation to take their work forward.

This article has been sponsored by Marico Innovation Foundation

A few years ago Rahul Rastogi’s father had a serious heart attack.

This meant that he required constant care and repeated visits to the hospital for ECG check-ups to ensure proper recovery. However, this wasn’t easy for the Noida-based professional and his wife, Neha, because Rahul’s father lived in Lucknow.

“We needed to constantly check on him and be updated about his health. But, going to the hospital regularly was quite the challenge. In addition to the treatment, we wanted to help him keep track of his heart health, and were looking for a device, which could monitor that at home. While we found devices to monitor blood pressure, we couldn’t find anything that focused on heart health,” says Neha, whose search for a…

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