GK Question and Answer on Parliamentary System in India

The Parliament of India is a bicameral legislature composed of the President of India and consists of two houses: the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Let us go for a quick question and answer a quiz about the Parliamentary system.

1. “Parliamentary Government” is also known as…

(A) Cabinet Government

(B) Responsible Government

(C) Westminster forms of government

(D) All of the above

 2. Which of the following characteristics is not related to Parliamentary Government?

(A) Resolution of the lower house

(B) Collective liability

(C) Leadership of the Prime Minister

(D) Single Executive

3. Which of the following is not the merit of the Presidential System?

(A) Permanent Government

(B) Confirmation in policies

(C) Limited Representation

(D) Government by experts

4. Which of the following is a demerit of the Parliamentary System?

(A) Compressed representation


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