Golden Rule To Internet Security,..In this technology-powered world, everything from emails, social networking, net banking details are protected with invisible walls of code, also known as passwords.
Golden Rule To Internet Security
Now a days, even shopping has become online. from fashion accesories to food stuffs. We know how to use these internet facilities but do we know how to keep our online accounts safe and protected?
If you just whispered “yes” than your in luck, skip ahead to ‘Check your password strenght’ to give your used password a try. Check if it can actually stand the hack attacks.
Creating A Strong Password
As you know, passwords are important. But, do you know what makes for a strong password? The general point, is that it should NOT
- contain words that can be found in the dictionary,
- be in sequence or in repeated characters.
- contain particulars about your name, birth dates, social security, passport, driver’s license or any…