Greater Expectations | Verve Magazine

Verve People

Written and moderated by Ranjabati Das

In early 2020, we relearned a forgotten life skill the hard way. We finally started to slow down and cultivate patience, and were forced to realise joy even in the most mundane of things.

With the world under lockdowns of various severities, common responses have emerged from those in similar socioeconomic situations, all rooted, as always, within an analysis of power.

Going grocery shopping has become an event, and many of us find ourselves teetering between brazenly taking a walk to the convenience store down the road for a non-essential item and caring enough to find the kind of infallible reasoning that would justify our goings-out. Feelings of guilt, the aftermath of some false sense of bravado, have become de rigueur too.

It has been a period of hard learning for everyone. One subsection…

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