Dhanwantharam Thailam: A Detailed-Guide During Pregnancy

Dhanwantharam Thailam is a traditional treatment for both the expecting and the new mothers. Moreover, it also reduces fatigue and pain, boosting overall immunity and energy. You can easily find an excellent quality of dhanwantharam thailam in various stores.

Additionally, during pregnancy, massage with Dhanwantharam Thailam oil helps strengthen the muscles while making them hard enough to carry the fetus, further promoting childbirth. A 100% pure ayurvedic blend supports positive happiness and introduces a new body shape recovery confidence.

Why do mothers require massage during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and childbirth are no doubt emotionally and physically demanding for every mother. From the seventh month of her pregnancy, the mother starts feeling dryness and itchiness in her body as the baby grows. However, during the winter season, there is a high increase in dryness.

Additionally, there may be a familiar feeling of tiredness and malaise, along with these symptoms. Many women will start feeling mild mood swings or severe stress around this time. Ayurveda is a well-known branch dealing in childbirth, and pregnancy care referred to as Garbhini Paricharya. They provide specific care for every stage of pregnancy.

Find below all the significant uses of Dhanwantharam Thailam For Prenatal and Postnatal.

You can use dhanwantharam thailam for prenatal massage during the seventh month of pregnancy and postnatal massage for seven days after childbirth.

Massage this oil for 10 to 15 minutes daily, and you will obtain the following benefits:

Reduces anxiety and stress

We know that stress hormones like Norepinephrine and cortisol are responsible for increasing stress levels. But with this massage oil, the stress levels are significantly reduced. Moreover, this regular massage will boost the hormones serotonin and dopamine, thus inducing happiness.

Haritaki, incorporated in Dhanwantharam Thailam, grants recovery from:

Hormone regulation

Dhanwantharam Thailam has a balancing and uplifting effect on the female hormone cycle. The accessible ingredients included in Dhanwantharam Thailam assist in treating fertility and physical liability. Moreover, they also reduce the symptoms of various postpartum depression.

Prevents dark patches and stretch marks

Ayurvedic Dhanwantharam Thailam features Sneha Dravya, which is a lubricating substance. Do you know, in Sanskrit, the word Sneha means to love? It will keep your skin dehydrated and reduce flakiness, thereby improving skin elasticity and preventing stretch marks.

Moreover, sesame oil helps manage the probable effects of melasma or, say, pregnancy mask. That is a common name for deep patches developing around your forehead, cheeks, nose, and abdomen.

Amalaki and Bibhitaki

It is present in Dhanwantharam Thailam, which is responsible for brightening the skin. Bibhitaki is the oil that works on the bowel toning and stomach.

Provides comfort from pain

During the last trimester, the bulky uterus’ force holding on the below and pelvic level can cause inflammation and stress on nearby tissues. Dhanwantaram Tailam contains Manjistha and Ashwagandha, which gives the oil anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing qualities.

Therefore it relieves the stress on all these muscles and manages to ease the stress on tissues, and significantly reduces the sciatic nerve pain.

Heals the force of the body

After delivery, the mother’s health is profoundly affected by the loss of blood and other fluids. There is a massive amount of emptiness created in the body after delivery.

In Ayurveda, the delivery phase after the return of your menstrual cycle is described as Sutika Period.

The body needs to recover fully from this phase unless it produces illness and distress in the future.

A daily ayurvedic oil massage will be an intense way to strengthen the mother, to overcome this challenging phase. Massaging by using Dhanwantharam Thailam fades away the imbalance, pains, and aches. You will feel relaxed and stress-free after a week of regular massage. However, this oil is only preferable after seven days of childbirth.

NOTE: Keep in mind that you need to massage for seven days after a normal delivery and 14 days after cesarean delivery.

Side Effects of Dhanwantharam Thailam

Are you worried that there will be some side effects regarding the use of Dhanwantharam Thailam? Your doubts are understandable;  there are no significant side effects of this oil. Oral intake also causes no visible side effects if used according to the recommended dosage.


Dhanwantharam Thailam is a well-known oil to make the delivery phase easier and more comfortable for a mother. Moreover, there is a considerable need for this oil during the pregnancy phase.

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