Help! I Want to Have Sex More Often Than my Husband Does

All kinds of stereotypes in this world tell us that men are the ones with the higher sex drive and that women are not interested in sex at all. Well, that’s simply not true. We see plenty of couples with mismatched sex drives and we are seeing a rise in women voicing that they are the ones with the higher sex drive in their marriage.

Boldly put, plenty of women want sex more than their husbands do. Unfortunately, due to stereotypes and Hollywood, many couples experience conflict and confusion over this because it’s outside of the societal norm, but we’re here to tell you that it is normal, valid, and okay; finding rhythm in your sex drive is possible, no matter WHO “wants it more”. Speaking as a wife who has the higher sex drive in her marriage, if you are a wife in the same boat and you’re not sure how to feel about it, here are 3 things to remember that have helped my marriage tremendously…

1. Just because he doesn’t want sex as often as you doesn’t mean he…

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