5 Fans for Effective Cooling in Your Home & Office

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One of the most integral parts of any home or office is a fan. They are also known as air circulators. Fans are ideal for rapid and easy cooling. While most of us are familiar with ceiling fans, newer technology and additional features have given rise to numerous fan types. It’s possible to get lost in the designs with such a wide variety of fans to choose from. And you end up having many questions, like do I need a small or big fan? Portable or not? For what area do I need it? Etcetera, etcetera.

When it comes to purchasing fans, there can be a lot of things to consider. So, to make the wisest choice possible, with knowledge on all kinds of fans available:

1. Pedestal Fans

First things first: for those who don’t like the concept of permanency, pedestal fans are great. Their good efficiency and immediate cooling make them an ideal option for households across India. These compact, rapidly oscillating fans will cool down any space in your home. These fans need less maintenance, save a lot of energy, and are also light in weight, making it much easier to move around in the house.

2. Table Fans

A table fan offers a fast way to curb the rising temperature in relatively smaller spaces that needs continuous airflow, such as parts of your homes or small shops. Table fans are one of the most affordable yet personalized cooling options in India. With the aid of an extension cord, table fans can be moved around the house easily, and its low electricity consumption also makes it a great eco-friendly alternative.

3. Wall Mounted Fans

One of the most favorable choices for those with less floor space is wall-mounted fans. They are simple to install and use and perfect for ventilating areas that appear to feel stuffy. As a fast and simple solution to the heat, wall mounted fans are used in private and commercial spaces. Due to their high performance, broad and instant cooling, these fans are becoming increasingly popular.

4. Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can make any room in your home more practical and stylish. By moving air in your spaces, they will also help keep your power bills down, making you feel cooler throughout the summer months. But it can also be a complicated process to find the correct ceiling fan. Several types of premium ceiling fans are available, each with its characteristics and advantages. Some are great for indoors, and some make excellent additions to your outside spaces. So, make sure that you analyze all your needs before buying one.

5. Exhaust Fans

An exhaust fan is perhaps the most overlooked household item. In our daily lives, they are also the most economical fans in India, with many advantages. As a key item in any household, exhaust fans should be installed. Usually, exhaust fans are effortless and easy to mount. However, they can also be put in small, enclosed areas such as garages, storerooms, etc.

In general, exhaust fans are of two kinds: ducted and non-ducted. Ducted exhaust fans come with an air duct that releases unclean air outside, while to do the same, a non-ducted exhaust fan comes with a charcoal filter.

You must consider certain variables when purchasing a fan to allow it to work at the highest level of efficacy. These variables include the room size, the ceiling’s height, the type of motor you want in a fan, energy efficiency, blades or bladeless, and so on. There are reliable brands like Luminous that offer an extensive range of fans—from designer ceiling fans to personal fans. You can check out their website and choose the fans that suit your requirement the best.

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