Home Hygge Tips – HouseAffection

Pronounced “hoo-ga,” hygge translates loosely to a holistic feeling of coziness and general contentment. In recent years, it’s taken on its own meaning in the interior design world, reflecting the need for a great environment to bounce your mood off.

The notion centers around inner-peace, gratitude, and enjoying the small things that life has to offer.

Where does it come from?

Hygge originates in Norway and Denmark, with very similar meanings. It’s considered a more Danish practice, though, due to how popularized it is there.

Traditionally, the hygge approach begins in the family home.

To get more hygge in your life and in your home, check out the hygge checklist and find inner peace:

  • A calm color scheme: muted tones and dimmed lighting make a cozy atmosphere to relax in. Colors such as red, brown, and orange are often associated with autumn and are prevalent in hygge home practices.
  • A reading nook and lots of books: preferably next to an open window for hygge to be in full swing,…
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