How has travel changed your life?

Beach Party

Travelling is more than just a holiday. It truly can change your life. Whether it celebrates a milestone in your life or signifies financial or emotional freedom, it can represent so much more than a break from the mundane. Perhaps it provided you with a job that has changed your life, perhaps it helped you to move past a difficult time or perhaps it just helped you to meet someone special. Whatever travel means to you, we want to know how it changed your life. So we put it out on social media and asked the question, how as travel changed your life? Here are some of the responses we got, some of them are pretty incredible!

“I find travel to be one of the greatest adventures. There is enormous gratitude for the life you have.

At 15 my Nan took me to Germany. I got to see the house they lived in, the church they used to attend and the places they used to swim before they fled to…

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