How Netflix India’s Srishti Behl Arya Keeps Audiences Hooked

Screen + Sound + Stage

Text by Shraddha Jahagirdar-Saxena. Illustration by Aishwaryashree

I am perched on my swivel chair in front of the desktop in my home office, and Srishti Behl Arya, director of International Original Films at Netflix India, is seated before a warm, wood-finish wall in her own home, a pile of books visible in the corner of the screen. Her current role and ongoing responsibilities have become all the more relevant as home audiences are consuming entertainment almost exclusively on OTT platforms, each jostling with the other to grab viewers’ attention.

Srishti joined Netflix India in 2018 and proclaims to be “the luckiest girl in the world” because her work involves everything that she is passionate about. Currently, she is in a happy place – at home and at work – one that embraces her interests and enables her to express her passion for the movies. She tells me, “I am a creative executive on the films’…

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