How Often Should You Get Tooth X-rays?

Dental radiographs or X-rays are images of the teeth which the dentist uses for evaluating oral health. They use low-level radiation for capturing the pictures of the gums and teeth. It helps the dentist identify the problems, which encompasses tooth decay, cavities, and impacted teeth. Although dental X-rays may sound complicated, they are a popular tool, just like other diagnostic methods.

A patient must go for these X-rays ideally once a year. It is a dentist’s method for understanding the progress of a particular treatment and any dental problem. There are specific factors that determine how often a person must go for dental X-rays. These encompass the age, current oral health, history of gum disease, and oral disease symptoms. In case a person is a new patient, they have to undergo a dental X-ray to enable the dentist to get a clear picture of the interior of the mouth. On the other hand, children may have to go for this process because they are more prone to developing…

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