How to Recognize your Partner’s Contributions on Father’s Day

In a world of billions, each of us has been touched by someone who has filled the role of a “dad figure.” It might be a biological father, an adoptive dad, a stepfather, a father-in-law, a mentor, a friend’s dad, a grandpa or uncle, or even an older brother who stepped up. These connections are as diverse as they are meaningful. Some have known fathers who faced neglect, shame, or criticism, while others have been blessed with incredible father figures who walked with them, offering unwavering support and love. For some, Father’s Day brings a poignant mix of grief and longing for a father lost or the pain of a troubled relationship. For others, it’s a time of joyous celebration and deep gratitude for the dad who has been a source of inspiration and strength.

I wish I could speak to every situation but unfortunately, I have a word limit ;). So, THIS blog is for those of you in a committed relationship with kids looking to celebrate the man partnering with you to raise…

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