How to stop a door from slamming (Quick fix tips)

Slamming doors can be one of the worst experiences. They are a huge problem as they startle people. They can be quite annoying and irritating. The force of the doors can be frightening as well. Where there is a lot of air and wind within the room, the doors are the first to slam hard.

But what is the reason for such harsh slamming? Many doors are built from hardwood. It is thick and dense. This makes the doors heavy. So, when close shut, they slam hard.

Doors that constantly slam can be dangerous to the people around the house. It can be hazardous for pets and children. They can get scared or hurt in, worst-case scenario. This article will help you how to stop a door from slamming. The tips are quick and you can easily create a peaceful environment.

Reasons for a slamming door

There are numerous factors that cause constant door slamming.

Changes in air pressure

Image source: Flavin Architects

The most common culprit for door slamming is uneven air pressure. It is normal for a home to…

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