How to wet sand drywall (Quick guide for you)

Drywall has a lot going for it when it comes to interior walls, as it can be a handful. Working on drywall can be a pain – even the most carefully done tasks require a ton of sanding, which inevitably comes with dust. The dust won’t stop flying everywhere and getting on everything.

Dust coming from drywall is considered acceptable and interfering, so much that some house vacuums are considered ineffective when used to remove it.

However, one method, known as wet-sanding, can reduce the amount of dust to nearly zero. Although it takes up more time, it is a safer alternative. With this method, one can achieve a nice, smooth finish, void of any dust, on their drywall.

Here’s how to wet sand drywall:

What Is Wet-Sanding?

Wet-sanding is the process of smoothening out and getting rid of the unwanted taping compound with a dry sponge.

By moistening it with a sponge, the drywall composite starts dissolving, which allows it to be smoothed out easily. When compared to dry-sanding, wet…

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