Ignite Your Intimacy: The Power of Curiosity in Marriage

It all started with a question. 

“Hi, what’s your name?” a cute guy asked me at a coffee shop one random day 23 years ago. “I’m Casey.” One question led to another, and we ended up chatting for a while that evening. There was instant chemistry. You know the feeling—butterflies in your stomach, heart all aflutter, can’t-take-your-eyes-off-each-other kind of excitement. We both fell hard and started dating shortly after.  I still remember those dating years and how easy it was to spend hours lost in conversation. I wanted to know everything about Casey. Where he grew up, what his family was like, what his career aspirations were. I even wanted to know silly things like how he found out there was no Santa Claus. He could hardly give a wrong answer; I found each one fascinating. There’s nothing like that rush of early love when you’re eager to learn everything about someone you adore. Fast forward to the 10th year of our marriage and I was sick of him asking…

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