Intermittent Fasting – Types and Benefits

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. The most common intermittent fasting method involves a daily 16-hour fast, divided into intervals.

The concept of intermittent fasting is not based on a specific type of nutrition but is based on when we should eat. Therefore, it is not a conventional diet and is instead an eating pattern.


Intermittent fasting methods

There are different ways of intermittent fasting. What’s common between them is that all of them involve splitting the day or week into intervals of eating and fasting.

During the fasting intervals, we can sometimes eat but very little, in case of hunger becomes uncontrollable.

By reducing our calorie intake, all of these methods aid in weight loss. However, we must ensure not to overeat during the eating period to compensate for the hunger felt during the fasting period.


16/8 Method

In this method, we need to skip breakfast and restrict all our meals…

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