Kashmir Cop Turns COVID Warrior, Helps 1,000 Households Despite No Cash Donations

“Dy SP Sheikh Aadil has gone above and beyond the ambit of standard policing. I hope other civil servants in Kashmir take his lead.”


When Lockdown 1.0 was imposed nationwide on 25 March, the people of Kashmir were caught terribly off guard. With a very strict lockdown imposed, local residents did not have sufficient supplies of groceries, medicines, life-saving drugs or other essentials. To make matters worse, local NGOs weren’t able to operate freely to distribute these essentials.

That’s when 33-year-old Sheikh Aadil Mushtaq, a 2015 batch Jammu and Kashmir Police Service officer currently posted as Deputy Superintendent of Police (Traffic) in Srinagar, and about eight of his friends from different walks of life, came up with the idea of helping deliver daily essentials and medicines to the doorstep of needy residents.

Since Lockdown 1.0, Deputy SP Sheikh Aadil and his friends have delivered daily essentials and medicines to over 1,000 households, predominantly…

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