KSP Blogger’s Guild: Accelerate Your Journey As A Parent Influencer

“What do you do sitting at home all day?”

At some point or the other, by the people around us, we moms have been asked this question. Even if you are a working mom! Yes, let that sink in. For SAHM, the incessant questioning is non-stop. “Now that the child is in the toddler phase, you have more time on your hands. Now that the child is going to school, you have more time in your hands. What’s your excuse?” These are some of the questions that pop up in the interrogation! 

As someone who didn’t take a long break and resumed work after maternity leave, I realised that I was expected to work like I didn’t have a child to raise, and expected to be a mom like I didn’t have a job to do well at! And that irony was what I wanted to break with my venture- Kidsstoppress.com. A place where the bulk of our team are moms, who juggle office calls between school drops and…

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