Most Common PCOS Myths Debunked

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal problem that happens with women at reproductive age. It distresses the hormonal levels of women. Subsequently, there is a chance of cysts in the ovary. The good news is, not every woman with PCOS has cysts. Patients with PCOS may experience delayed or discontinuation in your periods. This may cause problems in conceiving. Besides, it may add to the risk of getting health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes.

PCOS causes hormonal imbalance mostly in reproductive hormones. This imbalance affects the menstrual cycle, and causes a delay. The hormones that are affected by PCOS include androgens, insulin and progesterone. While it reduces the production of progesterone and makes the body un-reactive to insulin, the production of androgen (which is a male hormone) increases.

PCOS is an extremely common syndrome in women because of the…

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