NEP 2020 Solving For A Scientifically Designed Career Guidance Program

The National Education Policy, 2020 attempts to instil a holistic, integrated, enjoyable and engaging pedagogy that will allow students to explore their interests at early stages.

School days, in my times, were fun! The naive friendships made back then, have stood the test of time, despite the long distances and the life stage transitions. What stands out awkwardly in my memory from those times, was the system of tagging based on academic performance. These tacit ‘merit-cohorts’ were derived mostly from academic grades and represented potential for a successful career in Engineering and Medicine, seemingly the only career options available in those days at that place.

Most of my ‘A lister’ friends from schools, went on to excel in their careers and are now prominent leaders in their vocations. Interestingly, a few years back, I…

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