The National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru, has announced updates to its seat allocation for the B.A., LL.B (Hons) programme for the academic year 2025-26. A total of 310 seats will be available, with specific reservations outlined for various categories and subcategories, ensuring greater inclusivity and representation.
Revised Seat Allocation
The revised seat matrix for the academic year 2025-26 is structured as follows:
- Scheduled Caste (SC): 45 seats (15% of total seats)
- Scheduled Tribe (ST): 23 seats (7.5% of total seats)
- Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL): 81 seats (27% of total seats)
- Economically Weaker Section (EWS): 30 seats (10% of total seats)
- General Category: 121 seats
- Karnataka Students: 10 additional seats based on entrance merit
Horizontal Reservations
To enhance diversity, horizontal reservations are introduced:
- Persons with Disabilities (PWD): 15 seats (5% of total intake)
- Women: 90 seats (30% of total intake)
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