Origin Stories | Verve Magazine

Wine & Dine

Text and photographs by Shikha Bafna.

1. A corner of a restaurant in Manado, the capital city of the Indonesian province of North Sulawesi.
2. Street vendors are an integral part of the food scene in Indonesia.

For me, growing up between Indonesia and India meant not only a lot of trips to the immigration office but also trying to figure out where home truly was. Familiarity, in any capacity, became a tool for me. This familiarity extended to seeing patterns in the way we spoke, wore, prayed and ate.

Though I was born in India, Indonesia felt like home from the beginning. The concrete streets, the temperature respite, modern cityscapes in conjunction with dilapidated buildings, bright signages and street vendors, tuberose bushes at sporadic corners. Indonesia’s association with India can be traced…

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