Beed, situated in the heart of Marathwada, Maharashtra, faces significant challenges due to its arid landscape and ongoing water scarcity. With insufficient rainfall and a declining water table, agriculture in the region is a constant struggle, particularly for crops that require abundant water.
Amid these difficulties, Parmeshwar Thorat has defied the odds by becoming a pioneer in avocado farming. “I wanted to move away from traditional crops (like pomegranates) and try something unique and innovative — something no one else was doing in Beed,” Parmeshwar tells The Better India.
This desire led him to explore the untapped potential of avocado farming.
Avocado, a fruit celebrated for its nutritious value, was relatively unknown in the Marathwada region. Its growing demand stems from its benefits for managing blood pressure, diabetes, and heart health. “I delved deep into research about the fruit and its advantages….