Quitting Cushy Jobs, Gurugram Couple Starts ‘Flower Subscriptions’ That Earns Rs 7 Lakhs/Month

We bring you so many stories of couples who choose to quit their corporate jobs and come out of their comfort zone to pursue a passion or a dream they once nurtured. One question I have always asked myself is — what’s that one moment that leads one to take life-changing decisions?

It was in 2016 when Pooja (40) and Amit Tripathi (42), a couple from Gurugram, decided to quit their respective jobs at multinational companies to start a weekly flower subscription service which is aptly called Bring My Flowers (BMF). Other than being armed with a passion for flowers, the duo had no experience of being entrepreneurs. Through their inspiring journey, they have grown from having 21 customers in their first month to more than 4,000 active subscriptions today.

Speaking to The Better India, Pooja says, “Having fresh flowers at home was something that I have always loved. Every Friday, after work, I would stop on my way home and pick up various kinds of flowers and set them around the…

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