Rediscover Romance and Excitement in Your Marriage

Have you ever watched the movie Date Night with Steve Carell and Tina Fey? The first scene shows them going to the restaurant they go to EVERY date night, ordering the same food and sitting in the same booth. It’s obvious they love each other and are working so hard to make the most of the familiar date night experience. In a booth near them is a couple snuggling and madly in love feeding each other their meals. You can see the longing for the same romance, passion, and spark that this couple has. The movie takes a turn and Steve and Tina’s characters end up going on quite the adventure for their date night and end up becoming closer through it all. I don’t want to spoil the movie but I promise you, it’s worth the watch. 

The point is this… all couples desire to have fun, romance, and adventures, and so desperately want to create new memories together but struggle for whatever reason. And if you’ve read this far, it probably means that you too want the romance and…

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