Nestled in the heart of Jharkhand lies Chiruddi, a small village that breathes art. Here, the walls of houses are more than just structures — they are canvases. Every year, women in the village bring these walls to life with vibrant Sohrai paintings, a traditional indigenous art form inspired by the environment, animals, and flowers. Even tree trunks, electric poles, and towels carry this colourful art.
The tradition is deeply tied to the festival of Sohrai, celebrated just after Diwali. The village transforms into an open-air gallery as women and young girls paint their homes and surroundings during this time.
It’s more than just art — it’s a living legacy passed down through generations. Mothers gently guide their daughters, beginning with simple sketches on paper, and over the years, these drawings bloom into stunning wall designs. Each stroke of paint carries the warmth of…