Say No to Conventional Fitness and Beauty Standards

In today’s awfully fast moving world people fail to keep themselves fit and healthy. Compare yourselves to your parents or grandparents and you will learn that they are much fitter than you are. Problems with this generation arise especially due to their eating habits, drinking or smoking habits, sleep pattern, stressing over minor issues, etc.

How many of us really prefer to go out and play a game of football over a video game? Handful, right? We prefer sitting in front of our computers or laptops over a physical game. Not to mention if you are a corporate employee, you spend more than half your day in front of electronic devices. 

Don’t y’all think that fitness and beauty go hand in hand. How can you feel beautiful if you are pale and unhealthy? It has become extremely important to care for our health, fitness and beauty today. With the amount of pollution around us and the harsh sunlight can easily damage your skin. 

However, beauty does not always mean one’s…

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