Sister’s Cancer Inspires Blacksmith to Make Smokeless Chulha That Saves 60% Fuel

Every year news that Northern India is choked with air pollution caused by poisonous gases emitting from vehicles and stubble burning by farmers makes headlines. But the situation in the far Northeast is no different.

According to a Lancet report, about 56 per cent of the population in the Northeastern states suffer from chronic diseases caused by the burning of solid fuels — the highest in India.

But for Maidem Deben Singh, a native of Imphal, this was not limited to just reading a fact in an international research journal. The effects of the harmful smoke emitting from coal while cooking led to his sister being diagnosed with lung cancer.

Learning of his sister’s disease had a life-changing impact on Deben. It was then that he decided to become an innovator and prevent others from inhaling harmful gases emitted from the chulha (traditional stove).

Eco-Friendly, Cost-Effective Stove

Biomass cooking cum drying stove.

A Class 7 dropout, Deben followed in his father’s footsteps…

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