Social Enterprise Processes 60,000 Tonnes of Food Waste, Empowers 500 Waste Pickers

Be it end-to-end decentralised waste management solutions like setting up waste handling systems or providing operation and maintenance assistance, Sampurn(e)arth has come a long way in transforming the sector sustainably.

This article has been sponsored by DBS Bank India

Ignorance is not really blissful when it culminates in a toxic affair. This fact holds particularly true in the case of waste management in India.

Most urban cities in India, with its burgeoning population, face a massive waste management challenge. With more than 377 million people living in urban cities and towns, generating close to 60 million tonnes of municipal solid waste per annum, the situation continues to be bleak. This is because most of the waste, almost 31 million tonnes of it, goes into the open landfills, leaving the rest to be recklessly dumped on streets.

Ritvik Rao, an expert in the field, points out that it is we who are to blame for that. “Why is the waste generated in our houses someone…

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