Stay Connected During Back-to-School: A Marriage Checklist

Is it back-to-school time already?

As summer fades, families are gearing up for a new school year filled with new teachers, activities, schedules, and a host of changes. With all these transitions, it’s easy for “mom and dad” to lose sight of each other amid the whirlwind. We’ve been there and know how hectic it can be. Your kids will soon receive a back-to-school supplies list, along with tasks to prepare for the first day. Amid this wild season, it’s crucial to support your marriage too. Here’s a “Back-to-School Marriage Checklist” to help you navigate this busy time together:

1. Schedule Date Nights

The start of a new school year can quickly dominate the family schedule. Prioritize your relationship by planning date nights for the next three months. Make sure these nights are about fun and connection, not discussing the kids or household logistics.

2. New School Year, New Plan

Whether it’s drop-offs, pick-ups, back-to-school shopping, or managing…

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