The 7 Principles of Effective Graphic Design

We have come a long way from Da Vinci’s and Picasso’s time. Today, art is commercialised. Images, gifs, videos, memes and banners are all measured by how much likes, engagement and conversions it can generate for your business.

Graphic designers therefore have got a lot to think about. From working out great concepts for the marketing campaign to deciding on the graphic style, color strategy, layout, positioning, and hierarchy, there are several factors that will influence your composition.

While it’s not easy to judge one’s own design, an understanding of the key design principles can help you develop that critical eye to optimise and assess where your designs fall on a scale of 1 to 10. That is, from okay-looking designs to ones that could unleash a flood of engagement for your business.

With that in mind, let’s get started with the design thinking principles you can…

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