The First Year of Marriage: A Survival Guide

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Are you newly married and staring down that first year of marriage? While the honeymoon phase of a new marriage is beautiful, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, as you’re surely finding out! If you are looking for tips for your first year of marriage, you’re in the right place.

There’s a lot of change that happens in a relationship in the first year of marriage, so tips for newlyweds are often all about navigating that change with your new spouse in a way that is healthy and respectful for all involved. Sometimes it feels like major life events should come with a user manual, but since they don’t, we’ve created the first year of marriage: a survival guide here for you.

There are many difficult transitions in the first year of marriage, but so much of it is due to unrealistic expectations. Reading through these tips for the first year of marriage will hopefully help you know what to…

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