Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do After Sex

If you’ve ever seen a romantic comedy, you know that Hollywood portrays sex as this not-at-all messy, always-orgasmic, easy-breezy-lemon-squeezy experience where both people always orgasm together and somehow just throw their clothes back on and hurry out the door to a business meeting or an errand.

But, once you’ve had sex… you know that it is messy, it’s not always easy, and sometimes you have no idea what to do after. Well, we wanted to give you some tips for post-sex do’s and don’ts.


DO take time to cuddle! Sex releases all kinds of endorphins and happy hormones and that skin-to-skin contact with each other after sex keeps the connecting and bonding going.

DO compliment! This is a great time to say things like, “ I really loved when you tried/did _____!” Or, “I really love connecting with you that way!” Your spouse isn’t a mind reader and they won’t know how you felt or what you loved unless you tell them… and telling them goes a long…

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