Top 10 health tips for people with Type 2 Diabetes

The number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is on the rise. If you are also one of them then we can understand the emotional upheaval that you are undergoing. But we would like to point out that you can manage type 2 diabetes by making a few changes in your lifestyle.


Follow these tips to manage type 2 diabetes:


  1. Your diet matters a lot:

One of the most important type 2 diabetes tips is your diet. Yes, you need to follow a healthy diet that is rich in high fibre foods. Make sure that you include fresh fruits and vegetables and cut down on saturated and trans fats. You must also limit the intake of salt. You must choose foods that are low in refined carbohydrates. Keep away from processed foods.


  1. Food portion control holds the key:

Taking huge one or two meals has to be avoided strictly. Instead, you must take small portions of food at regular intervals. It is also important that you do not skip meals. You must eat regularly. This will help to maintain your blood glucose…

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