What Is the Difference Between s’ and ‘s? Explained

Have you ever found yourself confused about when to use “s'” and when to use “‘s” when indicating possession or forming contractions? You’re not alone! Many English learners struggle with this seemingly simple distinction. In this article, we’ll break down the key differences between “s'” and “‘s” and provide you with practical examples to enhance your understanding. So, let’s dive right in!


In the realm of the English language, apostrophes play a crucial role in indicating possession and forming contractions. However, the use of “s'” and “‘s” can be puzzling, leading to grammatical blunders. Let’s decipher this conundrum by delving into their specific applications.

Understanding “s'”

Plural Possessive Nouns

When dealing with plural nouns, the rule is generally straightforward: simply add an apostrophe after the final “s” to indicate possession. For instance, “students'” indicates that the possessions belong to multiple students. Similarly, “dogs'” signifies that the…

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