Those hidden expenses that often come about in the home are usually down to systems that we take for granted. Plumbing, for example: when do you actually think about this vital yet unseen system that performs a task that we could not do without? Plumbing covers your drinking and bathing water, your heating and more, and when it’s not operating properly you soon know about it. Turn on a faucet and we expect water to come out – either hot or cold as requested – and it usually does.
But what if your hot water tank is not working properly? These devices are not designed to last for ever and generally have a limited lifespan. You may find that your tank is damaged or just to old, so what do you do? That’s when you call in the professionals. A water tank – especially the hot one – is not the job for DIY so you need to talk to the right people. Let’s have a look in more detail and see why a hot water tank might fail, and how long you should expect one to last.
Why a Hot Water…