Wind Your Windows Down: Hawaii’s Greatest Road Trips

Renowned for its stunning resorts, world-class shopping and unbeatable beaches, Hawaii is a holiday-makers dream. Yet there comes a time where one must leave the resort, brush the sand from our feet and learn a little more about this beautiful island state.

We suggest hitting the road, turning the music up and touring the lush archipelago on wheels. Discover the real Hawaii in local cafes, secret waterfalls and intrepid walks. Experience the scenery that they don’t include in the brochures, the wide expanses of desert and remarkable vistas. Wind your windows down and take your holiday on the road.

Waimea Canyon, Kaua’i

Dubbed the Grand Canyon of Hawaii, experience the deep red lava beds and impressive ridges of Waimea Canyon. While you can choose to return along the same scenic road that takes you from Highway 50 (Waimea Canyon Drive), you may (as many do)…

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