‘Nehru was more interested in…,’ what the book recommended by Modi in Lok Sabha said about India’s first PM

Budget Session: Prime Minister Narendra Modi used a book by a former CIA agent to target the Congress party and its leaders, including Jawaharlal Nehru and Rahul Gandhi, on foreign policy.

“I would like to tell such people that if they are really interested in foreign policy and want to understand foreign policy and want to do something in the future, then I would tell such people to definitely read a book. The name of the book is JFK’s Forgotten Crisis,” Modi said, replying to the Motion of Thanks to the President’s Address in the Lok Sabha.

The prime minister said this book also describes the discussions and decisions between India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, and the then-US President John F Kennedy. “When the country was facing many challenges, what game was going on in the name of foreign policy is revealed through this book,” Modi said.

By using the book’s reference, Modi targeted both Rahul Gandhi and Nehru on foreign policy. Gandhi had on Monday questioned…

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