Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday said his first priority is to ensure people’s safety amid the coronavirus pandemic and he did not mind if he became a “villain” in someone’s eyes for that.
Speaking in the Assembly, he also warned that those behaving in irresponsible way and endangering others’ lives would be put in jail.
“The Me Jababdar” (I will be responsible) campaign (of the state government) is for those who are calling for opening this and that (easing restrictions). And for ourselves.
“My family will be safe if I remain safe,” Thackeray said.
“Don’t wear masks if you don’t want to. But I cannot say that because I care for the people of my state. Therefore I said I will take care of the lives of people even if someone wants to brand me as a villain,” he said.
The chief minister’s comments came after opposition leaders picked holes in the government’s initiatives such as…