Indian tennis star Sania Mirza is all set to make her debut in a web series. She is going to feature in a show called, ‘MTV Nishedh Alone Together’, in order to create awareness about Tuberculosis (TB).
As reported by News 18, Sania stated that the web series focuses to aware the youth about the disease in a unique and effective way.
“TB continues to be one of the most chronic health issues in our country. With about half of the diagnosed cases under the age of 30, there is an urgent need to tackle fallacies around it and drive a perception change,” Sania said.
“There are always risks of Tuberculosis. The risk has been increased by the corona epidemic. The fight to curb TB is more difficult now than ever and that’s what prompted me to play a role in it. I hope my presence helps in some way to collectively fight the TB and bring about a positive change,” she added.
About the Web Series
The five-episode web series will showcase the story of a newly wedded…