2020 Best Online Courses for SQL [Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced]

Ruby on Rails is a web app framework used by many developers around the world. It is a fantastic, versatile tool that helps you provide structure to the projects you’re working on, mostly websites and databases.

Ruby is a programming language that makes programming faster, and Ruby on Rails, the swiss-knife of development tools, helps you finish your projects quicker.

Let’s start discussing what is the best online course for Ruby on rails for you. Depending on your needs and wishes, you might want to choose one course over another.

Course Name

Online Insitution

Duration Hours



Ruby on Rails: An Introduction by John Hopkins


15 hours

4.5 (1,841 ratings)

Ruby on Rails Certification Training



5 stars (rounded by Edureka)

Learn Ruby on Rails


10 hours


The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course


47 hours 51 minutes

4,6 (10,978 ratings)

Ruby on Rails Foundations

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