Amazon has added 1.5 lakh new sellers in 2020 with more than 50K registering in Hindi and Tamil
The company said the number of sellers earning over INR 1 Cr from the sale grew 29% year-on-year
Flipkart had earlier claimed 35% growth in the number of new sellers during the festive season sales
Ecommerce giant Amazon in its annual report revealed that 4,152 sellers surpassed INR 1 Cr in sales during the festive season promotions, while the number of sellers who sold goods over INR 1 Cr or ‘crorepati sellers’ grew 29% year-on-year.
Earlier, Walmart-owned Flipkart had claimed that during “Big Billion Day Sale” more than 3 Lakh sellers and artisans had participated and with over INR 10K Cr offered as savings through discounts in the six-day sale in October. The number of sellers grossing over INR 1 Cr on the platform went up by 1.5x and the number of sellers grossing over INR 1 Lakh in sales witnessed a 1.7x jump.
In a blog, Amazon said that it added 1.5 Lakh new sellers in 2020…