Blockchain Bites: Google Goes Down, Nexus CEO and US Treasury Get Hacked

Happy Monday. Or maybe not so happy, if you were depending on Google for your job. Here are our top stories today….

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The Amazon of DeFi?
That’s what Yearn Finance is rapidly becoming as a result of acquisitions and partnerships, CoinDesk’s Brady Dale suggests in a big-picture analysis this morning. If Bezos’ behemoth has become synonymous in consumers’ minds with low prices, wide delivery and ample selection, Cronje’s creation could achieve similar status among the “degens” of decentralized finance by delivering low fees, high yields and a wide selection of risk profiles. Hmm….a financial supermarket. Where have we heard that one before?

Nexus Mutual CEO hacked
But not Nexus itself. The DeFi insurer’s chief, Hugh Karp, is out $8M worth of its NXM tokens thanks to a wily attacker. Karp is being gracious about it, though. “If you return the NXM in full, we will drop all investigations and I will grant you a $300K bounty,” he told his unknown assailant on…

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