Democrats are gearing up to fight for net neutrality

A new bill to bring back net neutrality is on its way, supported by one of the open internet’s most fervent advocates. At an advocacy event last month, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) announced that he would be introducing a measure in the next few “weeks” that would engrave the no throttling, block, or paid fast lanes rules into law.

Reached by The Verge on Monday, Markey reaffirmed his commitment to introducing a bill soon. “The coronavirus pandemic has proven that broadband is as essential as electricity and other utilities. We need to restore net neutrality protections to ensure that our internet remains open and free and that consumers can continue to benefit from this critical infrastructure,” Markey told The Verge.

Legislation like Markey plans to introduce could finally put the debate over net neutrality to rest and secure open internet protections for Americans under Title II for good, immune from the back-and-forth of the Tom Wheeler and Ajit Pai orders. Net…

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