Top 5 Games With the Most Unusual Plot Twists

25 years ago almost none of the developers thought about building a deep and elaborate story, but now games can surpass movies in the number and intensity of events. Some studios deliberately emphasize the narrative and are able to play on the emotions of the players. So you follow the game as a match where you’ve placed a huge bet via a 20Bet betting site and don’t want to lose it. Here are the most intriguing games with the most successful and unusual plot twists.

Heavy Rain

Intriguing story has always been a priority for Quantic dream developers. Since the Fahrenheit release they proved that they can tell a very enticing story that will keep you attention till the end credits. But if Fahrenheit was a kind of a sample of their pen, then the release of Heavy Rain brought David Cage’s company world fame. 

In the era of PlayStation 3 and the massive use of the Unreal Engine 3 the developers finally had the tools to create a qualitatively new image. For Quantic Dream it was an opportunity to introduce the industry to a new genre of interactive cinema.

Ethan Mars is one of the main characters in Heavy Rain. Ethan was unlucky, his eldest son died in a car accident at 10, which caused the protagonist to develop depression, which subsequently led to memory lapses. At one point, because of these failures, Ethan lost his second son. 

As it turns out later, the child was kidnapped by a serial killer, whose victims are children. In hopes of finding his son, Ethan enlists the help of Detective Scott Shelby.

Portal 2

The release of the original Portal allowed Valve to distract from the Gordon Freeman narrative. And if the first Portal was a testing ground and testing of new gameplay mechanics, Portal 2 was a more coherent product, with a full-fledged storyline that will surprise gamers with unusual turns. 

The main character Chell is the only person in a huge abandoned lab controlled by a crazy artificial intelligence named GLaDoS. Except for the robot helper Wheatley. The little AI seems interested in helping the heroine escape. 

Wheatley assists the character in every way possible in his attempts to thwart the plans of the GLaDoS supercomputer. Under the guidance of the little robot gamers deftly cope with the tasks, and all the actions of the AI confirm the desire to destroy the totalitarian system under the control of GLaDoS as soon as possible.

Bioshock Infinite

Parallel worlds, time gaps and multiple personality disorder. Bioshock Infinite boasts not only a twisted plot, but also a truly unique setting. The game’s setting will unfold in the flying Columbia, a city that literally floats in the sky. 

Booker DeWitt is a private detective – who is given a very unusual assignment to save a girl. Elizabeth is being held captive by Zachary Comstock, who is the founder of Columbia City and literally deified by the locals. Elizabeth is of great value to Zachary because the girl is able to open portals to parallel dimensions.

Elizabeth is able to watch events unfold in multiple realities at once. Booker’s fate in the current reality is within the players’ control. But in other realities, DeWitt’s fate can take a dramatic turn.


Unlike most games that prepare story surprises closer to the end, Prey shocks gamers at the very beginning of the game. The developers went the original way, staking on the early plot cleavenger, and they are not mistaken.

Distant future, the protagonist wakes up in his penthouse and gets ready for work. Outside the window there are flying cars and an urban city. Unsuspecting, the player performs routine tasks and participates in experiments with his own brother. 

This continues until the character is attacked by a mug. After what he sees, the protagonist’s psyche comes up with nothing better to do than shatter the panoramic glass over the city. Instead of splintered shards and a broken window, gamers see a lab. 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most successful parts of the franchise, not least because of the work of the writers. 

The plot of the shooter is not original. Players will take control of a member of a squad to fight against terrorist organizations. The group of fighters is led by General Shepard. The character does an excellent job and sends the main character to stop one of the terrorists named Vladimir Makarov. It is his fault that the terrorists have invaded U.S. territory. 

The classic plot twist plays into the hands of the screenwriters. When the gamer goes with his partners, willy-nilly you can experience attachment to one of the characters. That’s what happens in good books and movies. And it is doubly frustrating when those who fight for peace pursue the exact opposite goals.

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